Leadership at Authentic Christianity Ministry

Chopper Naiman was raised Jewish and was told that Jesus was a good man, but that He was not the Son of God. Chopper struggled with drug addiction until he was completely set free in 2000. Chopper started seeking the truth out for himself, and started reading the Bible in 2011. He clearly saw Jesus throughout the Old Testament. Chopper became a Born Again Believer and was Baptized in water on February 4th, 2012.

Today, Chopper is a lover of Jesus and believes that "If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. Old things have passed away, behold all things have become new!" 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Chopper loves reading The Holy Scriptures and believes that it is a key foundation to knowing God and being transformed.

Chopper Naiman
Gina Naiman

Gina Naiman grew up in a strong Catholic Faith. She had gifts that she did not understand, such as prophetic visions and seeing in the spirit. She began researching her experiences in 2011, but did not realize she was drifting into the occult. During this time, as she was listening to a Christian television network that was speaking about those who are gifted, she realized in her spirit that she was finally hearing the truth.

Gina began to read the Bible herself, sought out a church to call home, and became Born Again. Shortly thereafter, Gina was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Gina celebrates being gifted in the Prophetic, and believes the Lord is using her to call people into their true identity and destiny.